Welcome to my blog!

Hi! I'm Jelle. Online Marketer and the owner of SociJel. I regularly write blogs about Marketing, Media and Creativity. I do this so that I can practice my writing, learn more about Marketing, and to teach you something! A win-win-win situation, right?


Marketing influences our decisions more than we think

, 13-September-2021

Can you remember the last time you traveled, the last time you went to a restaurant or the last time you went to a cinema? Did you really make your choices on your own? Or were you secretly influenced? Maybe, Marketing influences our decisions more than we think — or at least: more than I […]

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Marketing & Media Recap #1: Blue’s Clues Nostalgia & Verified Lover Brands

, 10-September-2021

Hi fellow Marketers, it’s Friday! Time to finish your last tasks of the week and to start celebrating your weekend. Much has happened over the past week. Let’s highlight some interesting Marketing and Media developments with my weekly recap! This week (Saturday September 2 – Friday September 10): Twitter’s new Community function, Blue’s Clues nostalgia, […]

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Interns should be paid — There’s no other right answer.

, 8-September-2021

I keep on seeing these ‘Internships should be paid/unpaid” polls in my LinkedIn timeline. It’s blatant engagement bait and these post honestly tire me a little bit. There’s one correct answer: Interns should be compensated for their work. ‘Experience’ isn’t a compensation. Interns contribute to the functioning of a company. With the knowledge, experience and […]

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Why Marketers love Twitter

, 2-September-2021

As many of you know, I’ve become quite active on Twitter. There, I connect with hundreds of Marketers from across the world. Twitter is great, but what’s the value of using ‘this bird app’ for us Marketers? I’ve got some answers for you! Twitter Thread from Brianne’s #BrandJam This article is a more elaborate version […]

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What you should know about the Instagram link sticker:

, 30-August-2021

Instagram will soon introduce Link Stickers. This sticker is replacing the current swipe-up links. What does this sticker do, and how can you use this feature for your Marketing purposes? These are the things we know so far: From Swipe Ups to Stickers Instagram is rolling out their Link Stickers starting from August 30. These […]

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The importance of mental fitness – with Dr. Emily Anhalt and Chi Thukral

, 7-August-2021

Last Friday, Chi Thukral and Dr. Emily Anhalt organized a 30-minute Twitter Spaces discussion about the importance of mental health, and how factors like the Pandemic and Social Media impact our mental health. I attended the session and I made notes. About the speakers. Chi Thukral (Link to her Twitter profile) currently is head of […]

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Giveaway and get back: The benefits of Giveaways on Social Media

, 6-August-2021

Apparently it’s the week of the Giveaways on Social Media! Twitter suddenly gave away brand merch to random users, we’ve seen people getting hyped up with ice cream, snacks and T-shirts. We even saw Nike giving away a T-shirt that appeared at the Olympics. Happy customers. Happy companies! Because giveaways are so powerful. But why? […]

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Have days of zen and days of zoomies. Just like Bodi does.

, 4-August-2021

This is my dog Bodi. He switches between days of zen and days of zoomies. Today is one of his zen days. He has slept for the majority of the day, and you can bet that tomorrow he’ll be very energetic. Bodi is just a dog, but there’s one thing I can learn from him: […]

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Is the Fleet Flop bringing in some money for Twitter?

, 3-August-2021

It’s August 3 and the sad day has come: Twitter Fleets is no more. The feature that was introduced in November 2020 lived a short life. In one of my earlier article I already praised Twitter for their courage: They tried something new, admitted that their feature didn’t work and actually deleted the feature instead […]

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“Why should I follow a Social Media Degree?”

, 26-July-2021

“Following a Social Media Degree, who would ever do that?” Hooray! #MarketingTwitter has found a new topic to discuss about! “What even is the purpose of following a Social Media Degree? Is following a degree even necessary? Can’t we all understand Social Media? This Degree is ridiculous!” Well, here are the takes from a student […]

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