Welcome to my blog!

Hi! I'm Jelle. Online Marketer and the owner of SociJel. I regularly write blogs about Marketing, Media and Creativity. I do this so that I can practice my writing, learn more about Marketing, and to teach you something! A win-win-win situation, right?


We can all learn from Twitter’s Fleets Flop.

, 15-July-2021

Goodbye, Au revoir, Tschüss, Doei! Fleets, one of Twitter’s newest features will live a short life. Twitter says goodbye to Fleets on August 3, just 9 months after the feature was introduced. Fleets turned out to be a flop. Congratulations, Twitter: You’ve made a mistake! And I’m not being cynical here. I actually applaud Twitter’s […]

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Addison Rae and UFC was a joke. But influencers in sports are here to stay.

, 10-July-2021

UFC is under some public criticism after introducing Addison Rae as one of their new reporters . A lot of people consider the famous TikToker unfit for a reporting position. They argue that she is “stealing jobs from people who deserve it.” Are they right? And what is UFC’s purpose of bringing in Addison Rae […]

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How to build a content library for yourself

, 9-July-2021

More and more often the concept of a content library is being coined. Content libraries include documents that are considered as important by companies. It’s a perfect way for them to structure their Marketing. But did you know that you could build a content library for yourself too? Here’s how! What is a content library? […]

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Are you bored? Congratulations!

, 9-July-2021

The Dutch language has a beautiful word: It’s called ‘niksen.’ It literally means: To nothing. Niksen can be considered as an activity where you sit down on the sofa or lie down on your bed and – you’ve guessed it—, do nothing. You just sit there and stare. Back in the days when I was […]

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Life of a Marketer – Ways to avoid being distracted

, 24-June-2021

As Marketers, we always have to stay on, meaning we’re exposed to plenty of distractions in the form of the internet, your telephone or the television. While you are distracted, you are being exposed to many stimuli that prevent you from focusing. As result, being distracted can hamper your productivity, creativity, and eventually your quality […]

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The battle of the bottles: Ronaldo and Pogba vs. Coca-Cola and Heineken

, 16-June-2021

It’s UEFA EURO 2020 time, which means we can enjoy multiple weeks of high-qualtiy football! It also means that we’re confronted with a lot of brand partnerships in the forms of advertisements and product placements. We’re five days into the EUROs and some brands might already be slightly regretting their decision to sponsor the EUROs. […]

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What the Content Marketing #1 – Quantity results in Quality

, 16-June-2021

In the ‘What the Content Marketing’ series, I’m taking you with me in my journey as a Content Marketer. I share the whys, buts, WTFs and hows of Content Marketing. In this blog, I’m reviewing the ‘Quantity vs. Quality’- discussion in Content Marketing. Quantity results in Quality People often tell you that Quality Is better […]

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9 ways to cure your creativity rut

, 8-June-2021

To be able to create good Marketing content, you need creativity. But creativity isn’t always there. Sometimes you’re out of inspiration. Tell me all about it. That’s why I wrote a blog about the things that help me find good Marketing ideas. Who knows these tips might help you too: Go outside. Seriously. Go outside. […]

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How I accomplished last May’s goals without even knowing

, 6-June-2021

Wait what…So in the end May was a productive month!   April 2020 was tough. I still didn’t have a job (I still don’t, but I think I am getting somewhere), tax season was on, and I just wasn’t able to get anything meaningful or productive out of my hands. And it showed. April was […]

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I’m lovin’ it: Examining the savoury McDonald’s x BTS deal

, 27-May-2021

Yes, you’ve read that correctly. Fastfood giant McDonalds and Korean pop band BTS have started a partnership. Every time you think “I’ve seen it all” the Marketing Industry surprises you yet again. So what is this McBTS deal all about? Let’s take a close look at it! Hybrid sponsorships More and more often, we see […]

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