There we are again. Some work experience, a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Arts in the pocket. Ready for new adventures. Either as an employee of a company, or by continuing as a freelancer. I do not know yet.
So, how has life been rolling over the past years?
I have done some cool short- and long-term projects on behalf of my company, I’ve helped other companies by improving their social media marketing, I took pictures, made videos, and yet something seemed a bit off to me.
Pitfall: Not marketing your own marketing company
I seemed to neglect my own business. The last time I shared content on my social media pages was on February 14th, and even though I like writing blogs and updating people about my business, it has been two years since I last shared a blog on my company’s website (if we leave out my newest basketball blog).
Quite understandable, since I have been busy on internships, other projects, two theses and so forth. The result, however? A lack in social media impressions, my website visits plummeted, and an overall lack in engagement. Not using the company to its full potential. And that’s a shame.
Creating connections
Why? Because showing what you got will bring results. That’s one thing I found out in the past couple of weeks. After finishing my Master Thesis, I have been posting more frequently on my personal LinkedIn-page and on my newly-created Twitter account.
On LinkedIn, I try to update my people more often on what I am working on, what I have achieved, and what I am looking forward to. Since creating several posts in a considerably short time, the amount of page visits has considerably increased, I have made interesting connections with like-minded people, and I possibly have some interesting tasks to do for the following period.
The same is true for Twitter. Last month I started my own personal Twitter account in which I interact with other marketing-savy people. So far, Twitter has been really useful for me, since I can share my ideas about online marketing with others, and because I can adopt ideas from other marketers. In result, Twitter has become a very meaningful social media platform to me, in which I can discuss about social media, and in which I can try to format my ideas in just 280 characters (preferably less).
Moral of the Story
As result of my increasing social media activity, in daily life, people are increasingly asking how I am doing, what I am up to and what I am working on with my company. That has been a while. I can’t wait to share more interesting stories about my adventures as an entrepreneur marketer.
So the moral of the story? Social Media can serve as very productive platforms. Through social media, you can express yourself, learn how to write, share ideas with other people and even start potential interesting projects. The most important thing, however is to share. Share your ideas, share your thoughts, share your experiences. Show what you are doing. And let’s discuss!